How to create booker/passenger accounts

How to create booker/passenger accounts

What is a booker/passenger account?

This account type is to be used to create a login for each individual employee or booker. Users would
only be able to view only the bookings added by or for them and none others. This account type is used
in the scenario where each individual employee in a corporate is booking directly.

Part 1 - Creating logins

Create/update passenger API

Part 2 - Single sign-on (SSO) API

1.1 - Creating a booker/passenger account manually

To get started, go to Masters and click on Employees. Click on 'Add employee'.
Once the page loads add in the employee details as needed. Please note you need to enter a valid
corporate email address as a username. You also need to make sure that you tick the ‘Is passenger?’
checkbox while creating the account.

You can set the following for each booker/passenger account.

- Vehicle groups
- Duty Types
- Cities
- Customers

This will limit the ability for a user to add bookings based on the selections made.

1.2 - Setting up an approval and intimation matrix

Approval email IDs - You can set up an approval system for the bookings created by the passenger
account to be approved by a manager before they are sent to the car rental account. To set it up, all you
have to do is enter the approving manager's email ID in this section.

Once set up, an email is sent for booking created by the passenger account. The approving manager has to approve/reject the booking by clicking on the appropriate button in the email.

In case there are multiple email ids to be added, you can click on the blue ‘+’ button to add another
email id.

Note: If avoid approval time is set, the bookings that have a reporting time in this time range will get approved without requiring the manager's approval.
Intimation email IDs - There is another option available to add intimation email IDs. Email IDs added here would only receive information regarding the booking made without an option to approve or reject
the same.

1.3 - Creating booker/passenger user accounts

Once you have created the booker/passenger account, you need to create a user that enables them to
log in. To create a user, move your mouse over the small gear icon and click on ‘Create user’.
Creating a user will send an email to the email ID used while adding the employee. The email will contain a link to set a password and gain access to Indecab.

2 - Create/update passenger API

In the case where there are hundreds or thousands of employees, creating each booker/passenger
account manually is nearly impossible. In this case, we have a create/update passenger API that can be
connected to the corporates human resource management system (HRMS) to keep sync of employees.

Advantages of this approach:

- This will restrict employees who have left the organization from making bookings
- Enable new employees who have joined the organization to instantly gain access and start placing
booking requests instantly.
- Control access based on employee level or band
- Structure managers based on internal policies

Note: When a passenger login is created the email ID used would get an email requesting the user to set a password.

Part 2 - Single Sign-on (SSO) API

In the scenario where your corporate uses an internal tool to manage transportation. You can provide
them with an SSO API to allow them to authenticate their employees with their existing corporate login
credentials without the need for each employee managing a separate log in just for car rental needs.

The SSO API integrates directly with their internal transportation management tool.

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